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The 28-Day Cycle: The Menstrual Phase

Updated: Mar 15, 2023

The time has finally come. Your period has arrived. As the body sheds the uterine lining, hormone and energy levels are at their lowest. Now is the time for self-care. Low-impact pilates and yoga are highly recommended during this phase.

You will likely experience spotting or heavy bleeding, cramps, headaches, nausea, and PMS. This phase will typically last anywhere from 1-8 days and it is completely okay to use it as an excuse to get out of obligations.

Our bodies are temples. They nourish us, they keep us going, they motivate us. It is important we give it the respect it deserves as it goes through menstruation.

Take a break, read a book, or simply rest.

Consider adding fiber and antioxidants by eating fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats. Also focus on iron rich foods, as your body loses iron from the blood loss during menstruation (think sea vegetables, legumes, red meat, dark leafy greens).

My favorite app for tracking my cycle and staying on top of my workouts at the same time is 28. They have recipes for each respective phase, grocery lists to go with them, and personalized workout videos every single day.

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