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It's Raining Men: A Serious Talk About Male Birth Control

Updated: Mar 15, 2023

Women have been taking birth control for over 60 years and have had to take on not only the physical burdens of bearing children, but the intense side effects from trying not to get pregnant.

It's time men understand our pains.


Condoms are rubber covers that go over the whole penis in order to prevent sperm from entering the vagina. It also prevents women from receiving sexually transmitted diseases, since the two sexual organs never actually touch.

This isn't the most effective option. Many condoms break, have holes, or have even gotten too hot that the rubber is too thin to prevent anything.

When used correctly, however, the efficacy is at about 98%. It is always recommended to combine condoms with some other form of birth control from either sexual party.


Also known as "pulling out," this method is when the penis exits the vagina prior to ejaculation. This method is only 80% effective, and has serious consequences.

Not only is there a high likelihood of pregnancy, or STDs, but this is known as the most irresponsible form of birth control to date.


Vasectomy is also known as “male sterilization.” A surgeon cuts and seals off the tubes that your sperm pass through to reach the testicles. This is a reversible process that many men over 40 do in order to prevent further pregnancy when they are done wanting children.

It is also becoming popular for young adult men to complete this procedure as a form of birth control, and reversing it when they are ready financially and emotionally to care for children.

There are no side effects to this treatment, and a very low probability it is irreversible.

The Pill

This year, a study revealed men could regularly take a hormone pill called dimethandrolone undecanoate (DMAU) to prevent pregnancy without significant side effects. The male birth control method lowers levels of testosterone and other hormones in the blood, cutting down on sperm production.

The efficacy of this pill is still being tested, but it ranges from 92-94%. By suppressing testosterone, this is a wonderful option for someone who doesn't necessarily want to endure a medical procedure such as a vasectomy (although known as one of the least invasive surgeries).

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